‘Bravely Being’

Summer Retreat Program

Our summer retreat is an opportunity for you to relax and be restored by nature. The stunning Cass Valley is an incredible location and our program does include an alpine hike to suit the goals of our group. We will spend time exploring our theme in workshops and movement sessions, while also allowing space and time for you to just ‘be’.

The ‘program’ below outlines the general flow of the weekend, with times being flexible for the needs of the group and the weather!


12:00pm - Meet in Tekapo for transport to your Wilderness Base.

4:30pm - Introductions and Intentions

5:30pm - Move and Flow Yoga session

6:30pm - Evening meal

8:30pm - Yoga Nidra Relaxation



7:30am - Yoga and Nature Meditation

9:00am - Breakfast

10:00am - Workshop - To be or not to be?

10:30am - Exploring Nature - possible hike to the ridge line or Falcon’s Nest hut

12:30pm - Lunch

1:30pm - Workshop - Brave and Free

2:30-4:30pm - Free time 

4:30pm - Nature Creation

5:30pm  - Nourishing Nibbles

7:00pm - Evening meal

8:30pm - Star Gazing



7:30am - Sunrise Yoga and Meditation

9:00am - Brunch

10:30am - Workshop - Bravely Me

11:30am - Reflection and next steps

12:00pm - Retreat Close

Return transport to Lake Tekapo by 5:00pm

All activities are optional. You are welcome to explore during your free time; relax with a book, or journal, or enjoy a nap in nature!